Boston University, School of Law Renovation and Addition
Renovation and addition to the existing 180,000 SF, 19-story law school building, housing technologically advanced classrooms, faculty, student, and administrative offices, as well as a mock courtroom, which continued to function as normal throughout construction phasing. Renovations included: replacement of all MEP infrastructure and systems, building envelope (fenestration) repairs, replacement of all life safety and communication systems and renovation of all interior spaces. Additionally, there is a 100,000 SF addition (the Redstone Building) built on top of the campus Central Heating Plant, containing classrooms, an expanded law library, new student social space, and food service. LEED Gold Certified.

Projects Highlights
Boston University
Bruner/Cott & Associates
Boston, MA, USA
180,000 ft²
LEED Gold Certified
Award of Merit, SCUP/AIA-CAE Excellence in Architecture for Building Additions or Adaptive Reuse
Outstanding Design Award, Educational Interiors, American School & University
Educational Design, Top Design Award, College Planning & Management
Preservations Award, Massachusetts Historical Commission